What is a scholarly resource?


Scholarly Sources

Your lecturer may ask you to locate scholarly or peer reviewed sources as a way of supporting your ideas and argument in your research project.

How do I identify scholarly sources?

Scholarly sources are generally characterised by their depth of research, use of academic language and terminology, and their focus on original research, data, or analysis.

Scholarly sources can include, but are not limited to:

  • scholarly articles,
  • scholarly books, 
  • conference proceedings; and
  • theses and dissertations.

Not all scholarly sources are peer-reviewed, but most scholarly sources are subject to some form of editorial review or quality control.

Scholarly sources are not only restricted to books, articles, conference proceedings, and theses and dissertations. You can also find scholarly content in a number of different formats, including visual formats such as video lectures presented by academics. Use some of the same guidelines you would use to identify scholarly books and academic journal articles to identify these types of resources.

  • Last Updated Apr 16, 2024
  • Views 67
  • Answered By Casey Howe

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