How do I access library online resources?

How do I activate my e-resource access?

How do I sign in to access library resources with OpenAthens?

How do I set/reset an OpenAthens password?


Welcome to SAE Australasian Libraries!

All Education Partners should use this site as the gateway to accessing SAE library resources for Education Partners. You will need to log in (authenticate) via OpenAthens to access online resources regardless of whether you are on or off campus.

What is OpenAthens?

OpenAthens is an authentication method that provides a secure and effective way to access library licensed online resources.

How do I activate my OpenAthens account?

You will be set up with an OpenAthens account when you commence your studies.

Staff & Students from the following campuses will receive an automated email with instructions on how to create a password once an account has been made for them by the Library:

  • Amman,
  • Belgrade,
  • Jakarta,
  • Mexico City,
  • South Africa (Cape Town, Johannesburg & South Africa Online).

For more information on how to set/reset the OpenAthens password, see Setting/Resetting an OpenAthens password.

How do I sign in to access library resources with OpenAthens?

On the OpenAthens "Where are you from page", Education Partners should select the "All other users" button to sign in.


A special Education Partners card on the "OpenAthens help page" to further assist users has been created.

What are the different ways of accessing e-resources for Education Partners?

Staff and students can sign in to library resources via the following options:

  • directly through a database (e.g., ProQuest),
  • via a prefixed link from within a learning and teaching system, e.g., Campus online.

In addition to these options, staff and students can now discover resources and log in:

  • via publisher websites


Please contact the library if you are unable to access the systems as expected.

  • Last Updated Jan 07, 2025
  • Views 210
  • Answered By Blanka Arnold

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