What are the benefits of contributing my work to Creo?


Benefits of contributing to Creo include:

  • Visibility of your work in a centralised location means more of your peers can find and cite your work (via searches in Google Scholar and other search engines), providing you with a wider audience.
  • The inclusion of your work in the full range of scholarship practised at SAE University College which provides you with institutional recognition.
  • The context for your work places you together with the scholarly and creative contributions of your colleagues.
  • Providing a digital archive of more of your work, including previously unpublished work, such as conference presentations and white papers.
  • Continuity so that your work is assured a stable online location that can be cited now and in the future.
  • Contributions to the Open Access movement, which seeks to share scholarship in a collegial global environment.
  • Creo is also used for sharing your successes and scholarship with the SAE community, and ASP data is used by line managers for the purposes of your Professional Development Plan (PDP).
  • Last Updated Sep 12, 2024
  • Views 42
  • Answered By Blanka Arnold

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