How do I submit a work to Creo?

How do I submit work to the Institutional Repository?



How do I submit work to Creo?

1. Choose the collection most suited to the nature of the work you wish to submit.

2. From the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, click on Submission Guidelines to ensure your submission is compliant with the specific collection’s submission requirements. If there are no submission guidelines displayed for the collection you are submitting to, proceed to the next step below (3. Submit your Work).

3. Once your submission is compliant with the specific collection’s submission requirements, from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, click Submit Your Work.

4. Read the Submission Agreement, agree to the terms, and click Continue.

5. On the submission page, provide as much information about your work as possible. Mandatory fields are marked as required.

6. Once you have finished entering data and uploading your work on the submission page, click Submit.

Note: If your work fails to upload due to its file size, please email


You will receive notifications from Creo on the status of your submission and on the continuing interactions users have with your work via Creo.

  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2024
  • Views 244
  • Answered By Christopher Paroz

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